Published on 13 February 2024 at 12:28

I Love You

     Some of you awoke this morning hoping things would be different-- hoping that you had a bad dream. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you realized the problems you went to bed with are still there. No matter how hard you’ve tried, how many changes you’ve made, there remains an immovable force that is not interested in what you have been doing for them or yourself.

     Sleep is a temporary escape. You have done what you can to keep the peace, to remain sane, to keep your balance. You are, who you are. Tears shed some of the pressure but don't change anything. At some point you have to say, what my dad said to people, “If you like me fine. If you don’t, to hell with you.” That sounded harsh to me as a child, but it’s true.

     We all want to be loved, wanted, needed. We want to get up in the morning and have someone smile at us, or at least sit in silence with us drinking coffee, because not everyone is a “morning” person. We want someone to welcome us home and be glad to see us.

     We want to share the everyday stuff – the confusion of life. Most of all, we want someone who believes us when we tell them they are wonderful. It’s not about infatuation, it’s all about communication. About talking to one another through whatever comes.

     Be yourself. Believe in yourself. Love who you are. Pay attention. You are a child of God, made in His image. Do not believe anyone who says  you are less than that.


ART: “Mountains to Climb” 2024

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7 months ago

That's pretty heavy reading for this morning.
I hope that you have a good day.
Very nice art.
I love you.

Mary Morelli
7 months ago

Beautiful … and similar to words you have shared with me before. And I send them right back to you Linda 🩵.
I love you!