I Love You
“For, brother, what are we?
We are the sons of our father,
Whose face we have never seen,
We are the sons of our father,
Whose voice we have never heard,
We are the sons of our father,
To whom we have cried for strength and comfort
In our agony,
We are the sons of our father,
Whose life like ours
Was lived in solitude and in the wilderness,
We are the sons of our father,
To whom only we can speak out
The strange, dark burden of our heart and spirit,
We are the sons of our father,
And we shall follow the print of his foot forever.”
Wolfe, Thomas. Thomas Wolfe: The Complete Works (pp. 1929-1930). Pandora's Box. Kindle Edition.
Photo: Vachon, John, photographer. Chaffee, Missouri. Father and children leaving doctor's office. United States Missouri Scott County Chaffee, 1942. Feb. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017813880/.
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