January Seventeen

Published on 17 January 2025 at 07:18

Friday, January 17, 2025, -0.7* Dark

   Not frozen in place, slowly with more effort the door slid open releasing three into minus degrees. Need to find my inhaler. Hot coffee is an efficient stand-in with some self-talk, I’ve done it before but the maker grrs drips maybe 2 ounces of tepid brown water into my cup. I could pour hot water over a strainer of coffee to make a cup; choose the instant I use as flavoring for stews to add an earthy touch. I could drive to the corner store where I bought morning coffee last summer brought it and pumpkin bread home and sat on the porch. Too much snow out there now. I’ve already put away my rocking chair. I could add cream to the coffee I have, pour it over ice. Maybe on a summer morning, not now. Better to pour filtered water into the stove top percolator, maybe mix 2 flavors of coffee together. I seldom use the stove - heat rising sets off the smoke detector. In everything there is a story. This is mine, this below zero morning with the temperature falling.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,

for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Matthew 6:34

Photo: LJ Austin