Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 15* Wind, Sun
As the Light Moves On
Unaware that she casts a strong shadow
Unaware of how far shadows travel
decreasing as the light moves on
Happy or sad cannot be discerned
by her blank stare
Is she child-like or stunned
Grieving or just letting life
go on
To make her more than data
more than specs on a spreadsheet
to make a human connection
to make her real
J35 was given a name
“two is enough”
It was one of the vows
“’til death do us part”
That would be
a long time from now
We thought
We had each other
We were enough
Did Tahlequah think
two was enough
For a second time in 7 years
she kept
a non-breathing calf
not ready for even
the peaceful
lulling motion
of the Pacific Ocean
to take her
baby Orca away
The first time
she mourned
for 17 days
LJ Austin 1-8-25
Photo: LJ Austin