Published on 3 June 2024 at 10:45

I Love You

“One day the leader in his village asked Nasrudin to go hunting for tigers.

Nasrudin felt he had to go, but

he didn’t want to.

When he returned, his friends asked him,

“How did it go?”

“Excellent,” he said.

“How many tigers did you kill?”


“How many did you encounter?”


“How many did you see?”


“Why do you say the hunt was excellent if

you didn’t see even one tiger?”

“When you’re hunting tigers,

none is plenty.”

Another way to see this perceptive story is to remember that the journey

may be more important than the goal.

As the Greek poet Cavafy says in his famous poem “Ithaca,”

our goal keeps us on the journey, even if in the end it is disappointing...”

Moore, Thomas. The Eloquence of Silence: Surprising Wisdom in Tales of Emptiness (p. 67, 69). New World Library. Kindle Edition.


PHOTO: Thomas Bennie “WHEN NONE IS PLENTY” [my title - his color photo from Unsplash which I edited]

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Mary Morelli
5 months ago

I really enjoyed this Linda. Thank you for sharing.
I love you.

5 months ago

Both a beautiful story and photo.