I Love You
Others walked a while with him but
soon grew weary
of his aimless wandering—
He went back to familiar trails seeking
places he knew,
landmarks he remembered.
He knows
there is a balance point
A place to stop and
shift the weight
to make it easier to carry.
He also knows,
the path does not
wind uphill all the way.
[LJ Austin/February 2023]
These words can apply to so many places we walk or have walked or will walk. Grief, broken relationships, accidents, illness ...
We enter the path at various places and some walk slower or faster. Though we are familiar with the terrain, may we always remember, “your path will not be the same as the path I walked—seasons of life have changed it.”
ART: "Entering the Path" 2018

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Dear Linda … this brought me to tears this morning. So beautiful … I love you.
So true are these words and yet there are those who think that one should just get over the losses and get moving again. It all takes time, some more time than others. Some never jump back into the chase, they just meander through their days.