Published on 31 January 2024 at 20:20

I Love You

It comes from knowing where you belong.

Hoist the mainsail and the jenny.

Catch the wind and fly.

Rail skimming water.

Let go of thoughts

passing by.


As you sail the sea of story

with each wave you crest

tides and currents can take you

where you might not choose to rest.


There’s a storm coming

when you suddenly lose the wind.

You only have moments

to gather the sails, furl them,

rig the sea anchor for stability.

You know the seas, know Me.


Secure the hatch.


A great wave

taller than your mast

at times will threaten

then fall back.

Your vessel will wallow

in the seas you follow.


You can read the charts,

gauge the seas,

you can take sun shots.

Don’t forget to use

the instruments

of your heart.


When the storm is over,

when the pitch and toss have stopped

there will still be rolling seas

and debris others considered not.


Seek the calm within yourself.

I never left. I am your help.

I am master of everything.

I’ll bring you safely home again.

LJ Austin ~ 4-4-23

ART: "I'll Bring You Safely Home Again" 2023

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