I Love You
I grew up wearing hats, and gloves, and dresses. As things do, fancy hats went out of style, and dresses were not practical for many things. This is not a fancy hat – there is no veil. It is made of canvas. It kept the sun out of my eyes.
When I went to join Bruce for a bike ride one day, he looked at me and said, “You aren’t going to wear THAT are you?” There was never anything less than the truth between us. I smile now thinking of this and how comfortable was our relationship.
One year I decided to cut my hair very short. Having had long hair for years, it was a shock that I wasn’t too pleased with. Bruce said, “I am not in love with your hair. I would love you if you didn’t have any hair.”
We had a wonderful life together. Now, I have memories of so many things that make me laugh. I am blessed.
ART: “Flowered Hat” 2024

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Good memories.