I Love You
"May the angels of light
glisten for us this day.
May the sparks of God's beauty
dance in the eyes of those we love.
May the universe
be on fire with Presence for us this day.
May the new sun's rising
grace us with gratitude.
Let earth's greenness shine
and its waters breathe with Spirit.
Let heaven's winds stir the soil of our soul
and fresh awakenings rise within us.
May the mighty angels of light
glisten in all things this day.
May they summon us to reverence,
may they call us to life."
Newell, J. Philip. Praying with the Earth: A Prayerbook for Peace (p. 16). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. Kindle Edition.
ART: “Blessing of Light" 2023 (Intentional Camera Movement)

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