I have never wished Christmas away
as I have this year. Decorations and cards
wait in bags on the table.
ART: "O Christmas Tree" 2017

Yesterday an employee at the chiropractor's office asked, "Are you all ready for Christmas?" Waiting 15 minutes past my appointment time, the Christmas carols had begun to get to me. "I don't do Christmas." "Why not? Tell me more. Is it a religious thing?" and on and on she went in her bubbly hyperactive way. It wasn't the truth. I do celebrate Christmas, it is different this year, different than last year. "Not since my husband died." slowed her down and I cried. I just wanted to run away from the music and the people.
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I understand. The holidays do not get any easier.
It’s so sad first off that so many forget what Christmas is really all about. We haven’t put up a tree and my husband’s siblings don’t want to celebrate since the recent passing of their Mom. I might prepare a dinner - I might not 🤷♀️. I’m so sorry you got upset at your chiro appointment yesterday. I’m sure the lady meant well. And remember Linda, you have so many friends out here that LOVE YOU, including me!