[from the book A Collection of Sacred Writings by Jonathan Star]
"The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He brings me to where the grass is green
and leads me to where the waters are still.
I drink--and I am filled with life!
All I do is call out His Name
and the right path appears before me.
Even though I walk through this world,
where the shadow of death falls on everyone,
I fear no harm--
for He is always with me,
His staff is always ready to protect me.
In this place filled with hunger
the Lord has spread out a table of delights
and bathed my head in scented oil.
My heart is filled with His Love;
Goodness and Purity will follow me
every day of my life.
Although appearing like others,
I do not live in this world of men:
I live in the Lord's house,
and am forever in His keeping."
ART: "Oranges en Cranberries" 2021
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Wow 😮 Linda … I love this. And you.