Published on 27 September 2023 at 18:05

Our true home is in the present moment.

To live in the present moment is a miracle.

The miracle is not to walk on water.

The miracle is to walk on the green Earth in the present moment,

to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now.

Peace is all around us--

in the world and in nature--

and within us--

in our bodies and our spirits.

Once we learn to touch this peace,

we will be healed and transformed.

It is not a matter of faith;

it is a matter of practice.

~Thich Nhat Hanh

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Mary Morelli
a year ago

This is so true Linda, and thank you once again for the reminder. Iā€™m so often worrying about what I have to do tomorrow, next week ā€¦ I forget to enjoy the blessings that are offered me in the present day. I love you and will take full pleasure in today, with you in mind šŸ˜Š.